Small Groups & Sunday School Classes
Join us as we study and learn together!
Living the story of the Bible to become like Jesus.
What you believe influences everything!
Small Groups & Sunday School Classes begin at 9:45 a.m.
We have classes for all ages, Nursery to Senior Adults.
“For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Matthew 18:20

Nursery and Preschool
We have a wonderful nursery and preschool program for newborns - K-3. Your children are in great hands.
Your Children Are in Great Hands Each Sunday. Our Children's Classes are for
ages K-4 - 5th Grades.
Come have a blast with us in Sunday School!
Our Children’s classes are located behind the Fellowship Hall.

Our Youth Group is for Middle and High School Students and is led by our Associate Pastor. We have a great Small Group on Sunday mornings and look forward to growing deeper in God's Word.
Friends and Family
Friends and Family is an adult Sunday School class made up of singles and married couples. The ages range from late 20’s to 60's. Our common bond is that most of us have children, so the Sunday School lessons are frequently geared toward family and parenting issues.

Louise's Garden
We are a class of adults aged 45 and up. We meet each Sunday to discuss the Bible and how we can apply it to our daily lives at home and at work. Come and join us for a hot cup of coffee and Bible study. Come and be challenged with us!
New Hope
”to grow in our Christian Faith, discipleship and in knowledge of the Bible; to recognize Jesus as our Hope; that steadfast endurance, peace, and love are ours as we boldly come to Him and He will complete in us what He has begun…’
The class, under the leadership and teaching of Cherry Leverette, is made up of a membership of men and women whose ages range anywhere in their 60’s through early 70’s, both couples and singles. The class meets each Sunday morning at 9:45 in a class room just off the fellowship hall to study and discuss God’s word. Everyone is welcome!

Morning Joy
Morning Joy is a women's bible study group. We welcome all adult women of any age. The Bible is our primary text. Additionally, we use various other references and resources to enhance our studies. We do not have a set standard curriculum. We learn from the Bible by looking at it from various perspectives - we may study individual people, books of the bible, or specific topics (such as the Parables of Jesus). Each Sunday we strive to learn something from the Bible that we can use in our daily lives, to pray, and grow in Christian love and fellowship with each other.
Cornerstone is an adult class made up of singles and couples with an age span of approximately (nobody knows for sure!) 60 to 75 year olds. Currently we have teaching on a rotation. We encourage membership participation and enjoy lively discussion in our lesson presentation. Generally we follow the International Sunday School Lesson Series, but occasionally take periods of time for special thematic studies. Some of those have included The Grace of God, The Holy Spirit, The Purpose Driven Life, and Resurrection…Heaven…New Earth.

In Between
In Between is a class for all young adults. This includes anyone from college age adults to new parents. All are welcome! This class is located on the main floor next to Cornerstone. The entry door is off the short hallway.