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Worship & Music

First Baptist Church Music Ministry exists, under the direction of Rev. Dylan Bowden, Minister of Music, to provide music for our worship services that is honoring to God. The music shared in worship is chosen for the appropriateness of the text and message presented in the song or anthem.


Chancel Choir 

The Chancel Choir is the primary ensemble for our worship at 10:50 a.m. in the church sanctuary. This choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings promptly at 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. in the Choir Room on the 2nd floor. This is open to anyone who would like to be a part of the Music Ministry.

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Children's Choir 

Children’s Choir meets during the calendared School Year on Tuesday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. in the Choir room under the direction of Rev. Dylan Bowden.

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Bell Choir 



Connie Covington, Pianist 

Hunter Giddens, Organist


Janice Turner, Accompanist 

JuBELLation – our Hand Bell Choir, meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:00 p.m. If interested in playing, let Rev. Dylan Bowden know through the church office.

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